(The title is a Relient K song. They're awesome.) Recently, I went to an amazing youth conference called Districts. I learned and grew a whole lot. The speaker there was talking about heaven on the last day, and how many people imagine it so wrongly. For example: when I was little, I was afraid of dying simply because I thought heaven would be boring. Some days I still feel that way. But let me remind you, heaven is not white robes and sitting on clouds. It's not playing a harp or becoming an angel. (You don't become an angel when you die, they're a whole separate thing.) And, as the antithesis, hell is also pictured as flat and one-dimensional. Sometimes even fun. Do you honestly think eternal pain, suffering, and "crying and gnashing of teeth" will be fun? Hell was made specifically for Satan, and he's not gonna go down without dragging as many poor souls as he can with him. But, it's your choice where you go. God loves everyone . He d...