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Tofu and Unoriginality

(Small update- sorry I haven't posted in a while, school keeps me busy. My Halloween and Thanksgiving were fun!)

So, I'm here to talk about many things, respect being one, imagination being another.

Everyone has idiosyncrasies, everyone has those little habits or whatevers that they do or think. One of my main pet-peeves is when people try to force someone to be more like them because they don't particularly like that person's originality.

Don't be like that, okay? Variety is the spice of life. Spice is vital for good taste. Don't be tofu.

For me personally, I'm the type of person who doesn't understand why I'm supposed to constantly make new friends when I have some already. Why would I want more people to worry about? And yet, sometimes I feel that the world around me is trying to force me into making as many friends as possible, no matter how comfortable I am with that. I'd much rather have a small group of friends and care about them fiercely than have a huge group and end up forgetting names.

Now, there are other people who don't feel the same- and that's okay. The beauty in life lies in the creativity and originality of the individual. If that is taken away... I shudder to think of it.

One of my greatest fears is the world running out of unique imagination. That truly terrifies me more than almost anything.

I can already see some of the effects; style repeating older generations, movies being recreated or written without creativity, children's toys becoming stupider and stupider. Maybe it's just my paranoid mind, but... you have to wonder.

If nothing is unique, if nothing is explored, if nothing is discovered, why do we exist? Our existential purpose is most certainly not to gain money or followers on social media. There is literally no underlying creativity to be gained in doing exactly as someone else has done or doing exactly what you're told. That's what being tofu is.

Think, don't just be. Find beauty in anything and everything. God didn't make life to be a spectator sport.

The day you stop existing is not the day you die, but the day you lose your imagination.

Never stop dreaming. Never stop creating. Never stop being.

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